Hello Everyone,
i making now a Extension for Inkscape, and i want "created Templates/SVG with Text" over myExtension importing in to my new design.
I can now normally jpeg/png import. Question is, How can I pre-made SVG with Text Editing Option directly in to the my new design over my extension importing?
Actually Workflow:
New -> New Design -> Go Extension Menu under Filter -> Import Template -> Template for GROUP Amy extension.py (actually i import only png image)
if logo == "groupA":
image = "......................................"
attribs = {
'height': str(200),
'width': str(200),
'x': str(pageWidth-logoWidth),
'y': str(pageHeight-logoHeight),
'preserveAspectRatio': 'None',
inkex.addNS('href', 'xlink'): image
createdImage = inkex.etree.Element(inkex.addNS('image', 'svg'), attribs)