Author Topic: vs.  (Read 303 times)

March 24, 2019, 12:31:08 PM
Read 303 times


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As a new member, I would like to understand how to think about these two sites, and  They seem to have the same set of members and similar functions. 
In terms of actions like posting work, posting tutorials, or asking for help/guidance, what is the difference between these two sites?  Are they just parallel, or are some posts better placed on one site or the other?
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March 24, 2019, 02:29:28 PM
Reply #1


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Welcome aboard!

Mostly they are parallel. Brynn founded this place after various attempts on convincing inkscapeforum's admin for technical changes wich didn't get any attention.
Here was a "dramatic" topic about it.

  • They run parallel, half of the regular members from the older forum didn't register here. Either they didn't felt the need or got annoyed by the idea to abandon old boards out of some dissatisfaction.
  • Inkscapeforum's admin is still absent mostly and although the inkscape board gained the ownership over the domain, they don't have a direct access to the forum's core database.

For that reason, they are starting an official forum on

This topic can give you another peek on what's about to happen (supposedly) in the future.

This forum, inkscapecommunity is less "known" as there seem to be more new members on the other forum.
Honestly speaking they are mostly about helpdesking and I miss the productive aspect where members would showcase their work or participate in community projects/contest/challenges which in my opinion would be the core for a flourishing community.

March 24, 2019, 06:07:43 PM
Reply #2


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Lazur gives a good answer!

But mostly, I'm looking (and working) towards opening the new forum, on the Inkscape website, which will be the first really official Inkscape forum.  I finally can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I think we are just about finished writing rules and complaint procedures, and all that boring stuff.

(If anyone wants to review them, comments are welcome!

Next, we will select the forum team (i.e. moderators).  After that, we will organize the forum, meaning decide on the categories and boards.  They will likely be something like these 2 current forums.  Then, we'll be ready to open.

During approx the same month the new forum opens, this one will close, and I'll divert all the traffic to the new forum.  (Technically, it will not be closed to people who are already members, because they might need to access the contents which they posted.  But new members will not be able to register.) 

Eventually the look of this website will change, although it will probably happen gradually.  Even though there has been some attempt to start an Inkscape merchandise store, it only offers stock contents (some less than average quality), with one or 2 logos, which we can't otherwise control.  I'm thinking of possibly starting a store where we could sell customized items, such as artwork made by Inkscape users!

Or maybe I'll become a :f1: blogger....  You're dying to learn what I think about the current US President, aren't you  0:)  :f3: 

Actually I'm not sure what I'll do.  We'll see  :D
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