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Sorry it took so long to get your message posted (we had some technical difficulty). Hopefully by now you've found all our tutorials (on the Home tab). I don't know of any that are specifically about logos. But drawing logos doesn't use any one or more particular skills, or any one or more particular techniques.
Presumably you already have an idea in you mind about what kind of logo you want to draw. Then you need to learn whatever skills you need to draw it. I would suggest starting with some tutorials.
Graphics tablets (like Wacom) typically use Inkscape's Calligraphy tool
, which has special features, such as pressure sensitivity, when used with a tablet, that it doesn't have when used with a regular mouse. There really aren't any tutorials for using graphics tablets. Generally the kind of people who buy them are sketch artists who already know how to sketch. It's just learning how to use Inkscape, and sketch into the tablet.