In case that bug report is too technical for you to understand (it is for me), then I would try what Moini suggests:
1 - Try exporting at 30.0 DPI. Report results here.
2 - Move the pattern handle over to the object, if it isn't already, and try again.
Do you need instructions for moving the pattern handle? As far as I understand, this might fix the problem for you. If I don't understand, then it must be needed for the bug report.
If this is all over your head, and if you would provide your SVG file for us, then we can follow through with the bug report, and make sure this gets fixed. If you're unable to provide the SVG file (like for example, its license won't allow it) then we just won't be able to use your experience for the bug report.
If moving the pattern handle didn't work, you could draw that stripe fill, without using a Pattern, and I would guess, from all the info which has been provided (to the best of my ability to understand it) you won't have this problem.
Would you like some instructions for drawing the stripe pattern with paths? Or it could be done with long,skinny rectangles, as well. For filling a circle, this would require using a Clip, to clean up the 90 degreen ends. (or possibly a boolean)