Author Topic: look to create new stroke pattern?  (Read 3475 times)

April 16, 2016, 04:50:14 PM
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Hi everyone

I start to use inkscape since a few week to draw caving survey or map we explore in our association.

Topography is full of symbol. I need to create some to make easier the draw

For example, to draw a pitch we use this symbol (the line with the inside line with the triangle) 
*Stalactites, stalagmintes, colonnes (en position dans la grotte) (au crayon, oublier la couleur).pdf
(380.53 kB - downloaded 223 times)

and the way the slope are the line with the short line 
*Stalactites, stalagmintes, colonnes (en position dans la grotte) (au crayon, oublier la couleur).pdf
(380.53 kB - downloaded 223 times)

The rock formation stalagmite is this
*Stalactites, stalagmintes, colonnes (en position dans la grotte) (au crayon, oublier la couleur).pdf
(380.53 kB - downloaded 223 times)

I was thinking to create new pattern stroke. Do you think it might be an option and how to do? any tutorials to suggest?

Thank a lot


April 17, 2016, 02:00:38 AM
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Not sure if I understand it right.
You want the attached images appear repeatedly along a certain line?

What exactly do you mean by pattern stroke?

In general I can think of three ways to go.
There is the scatter extension which translates duplicants of a base object along a selected path.
It is not a live path effect, you cannot modify the core path later for an instant change nor are the duplicated objects rotated.

Other one would be using the pattern along path lpe. This is live, and sort of repeats & "rotates" a PATH as a pattern object along another path.
The extension for the same purpose works with groups too.
Actually rotating is the result of bending the pattern to the core path, resulting in distortion.

If you want to repeat a pattern shape, rotated and undistorted, you can convert the object to a marker.
After that you just need to generate nodes equally placed along a path or use some little "trickery" for the marker placement
-like interpolate subpaths lpe-.
This marker solution might not render right through browsers or pdf-s (haven't tested the latter).

April 17, 2016, 03:30:28 AM
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Thank for your helps

To give you a better idea of what I would like to do.

The idea is to draw first a path on which you can apply all effect or symbols as show on the previous message.

I ll then draw different map based on those effects

best regards

April 17, 2016, 11:39:24 AM
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Welcome Barnabe!

I agree with Lazur's suggestions, to either use the Scatter extension, or PAP LPE (details below).

The Scatter extension (Extensions menu > Generate from path > Scatter) is a static trail of the symbols or objects you want.  So if you need to change it later, you have to delete and draw a new path, and apply the extension again.  (Or Undo, if you don't get too far along before you realize you want to change it.)  The Scatter dialog has a Live Preview.  So that helps a little in being able to get your path right before you finally apply it.  If you need to edit the symbol object, be sure to use the Cloned option in the Scatter dialog.  Then you can edit the parent object, and all the symbol objects in the path will change at the same time.

The Pattern Along Path LPE (Live Path Effect) (Path menu > Path Effects > + > Pattern Along Path) is very similar.  It doesn't have a preview, but after you apply it, you can adjust the path at any time afterwards.  It's also very similar here, if you need to edit the symbol object.  Use the Linked option in the PAP dialog, and it works as if it were a clone.

In my experience, Scatter is better, because there's less distortion of the symbol object.  Around tight curves or sharp corners, the symbol object can be severely distorted, with PAP.  Adding more nodes to the path might help.

There's also a PAP extension, but it's not live.  I guess it probably has a live preview,  but the LPE is better for almost any project.

Note that these features probably require an intermediate skill with Inkscape.  It will take a good deal of patience, as a beginner, to use these.  But they aren't so advanced that we can't help and guide you through, assuming you'll be making a good effort on your own, before asking for help.

Also note that maps tend to become very large, and sometimes very fast.  If your file becomes so large that it challenges you computer's resources (mostly RAM), the LPEs will be hard to control.  At some point, you may need to convert the live path into a static object.

The part about your message that I'm not clear about, is "I ll then draw different map based on those effects".  Will there be several maps?

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April 19, 2016, 10:27:02 PM
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I am on progress.

do not manage to go trough all but soon.

To answer your last question, I ll draw all the cave map using those effects means I 'd like to create a base of effect that I could use anytime I need to draw a map without create again the path styl.

April 20, 2016, 01:47:57 PM
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To answer your last question, I ll draw all the cave map using those effects means I 'd like to create a base of effect that I could use anytime I need to draw a map without create again the path styl.

Yes, that's possible, but only if you keep the pattern object saved in an SVG file.  Whenever you need to use it again, you'll have to open that file and copy the object into the file with the new map.

I think there's a tutorial for this....  Yes, here it is.  This is about creating pattern borders.  But it will work on any kind of path.

While I still think either Scatter or PAP would be best for this, there is another approach.  But it really would be an advanced skill.  I couldn't even tell you how to do it myself.  But it could probably be done by making a custom filter.

OH!!  Have I got something for you!  (I just remembered.)  While working on a project to have all the many Inkscape extensions listed in one place, I came across one called Speleo3.  It's a series of Inkscape extensions that can help with cave mapping. 

I'm not clear what is the association with Survex and Therion (which are linked to the project page).  I don't know if those links were added just for providing more helpful info for users, or if those projects use Inkscape, or maybe are a fork of Inkscape.  I just don't know.  But maybe you can research about it.
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